Venue: Bandar Utama
Date: 17 Sep to 19 Sep
Fee: RM2800.00/pax, 3pax sign free 1pax
The Developing Mobile Phone Applications with Java Technology course provides students with hands-on experience with developing mobile applications on the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform) using Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Mobile Interface Device Profile (MIDP). The course provides information about MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 specifications, concepts, and capabilities.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the developments in wireless technologies
Recognize a successful wireless solution
Analyze the technologies involved in the wireless and device markets
Evaluate the impact of wireless technologies on business models and technology environments
Devise and plan a wireless solution that delivers tangible business value
Describe the configurations, profiles and standard packages found in J2ME
Illustrate a J2ME wireless architecture
List the advantages of a separate platform for J2ME and describe how it relates to existing platforms
List and describe the principle J2ME configurations
Define and describe J2ME profiles
Describe how optional J2ME packages are used to adapt applications for specific environments
Describe the road map for the future of J2ME and the role of the Java Community Process in shaping J2ME
Topic Covered
Module 1 - What is Wireless?
- Describe the history and evolution of wireless technology and the key forces driving wireless adoption today
- List and describe the various classes of wireless technology
- Describe the impact of wireless technologies on society
- Describe the future of wireless
- Describe the wireless business models enabled by wireless systems
Module 2 - How Wireless is Hardwired?
- List and describe the components that form the architecture of a wireless system
- Describe how open systems, Java, XML, and TCP/IP technologies play a critical role on emerging wireless system
- Describe the current and potential future of wireless transmission protocols for wireless devices and the replacement of wired infrastructure
- List and describe the benefits and limitations of current wireless software platforms
- Describe the available wireless hardware
- List and describe the wireless standards
Module 3 - Overview of the J2ME Architecture
- Describe J2ME Architecture
- Run the J2ME Wireless Toolkit demonstrations
Module 4 - Building and Executing MIDP Applications
- Define the MIDP 2.0 application environment
- Define the MIDP development process
- Write and build a MIDP application (MIDlet)
- Interrogate the device to verify that it can run the new MIDlet
Module 5 - Creating a High-Level User Interface
- Describe the MIDP user interface (UI) architecture
- Describe the MIDP high-level UI API
- Describe the Display object
- Define the Item class and subclass components
- Implement high-level item event handling
- Display a message on the MIDlet screen
- Implement a user input interface
- Handle user input through item state changes
- Verify form data using a Command object
- Implement the menu system
Module 6 - Managing Data on the Device
- Define data persistence and the RMS package in the MIDP
- Access RecordStore objects on the device object
- Store and retrieve data in a RecordStore object
- Describe the RecordEnumeration interface
- List RecordStore objects
- Share a RecordStore object between MIDlet suites
- Implement an option screen, and save and retrieve the data in theRecordStore object
Module 7 - MIDP Security
- Describe the MIDlet security model and define three MIDP securityconcerns
- Describe the MIDP Push technology
- Create a certificate
- Authenticate a MIDlet suite
- Create a MIDlet that handles static Push connectionsCreate a MIDlet that handles dynamic Push connections